Welcome to Austin Madinga’s
#LifeUnbound Blog

I am a explorer, storyteller and digital creator from Malawi, the land of the lake of stars. I document and tell stories about the beauty and awesomeness of Malawi, the African continent and her diverse people  through words and photography.

I would love to partner with content creators and tourism brands on storytelling projects that expand the African narrative around tourism, travel, conservation and the continent’s people.

Lake Malawi, the lake of stars

Nature for Water

We have every reason to ensure our beautiful Lake Malawi is kept clean and bustling with life. It provides food, livelihoods, drinking water and power for millions. It is also one of our major tourist attractions.

Use chiefs for conservation

Chiefs in Malawi have an extremely important role in the fight against environmental degradation and nature conservation.

Save that drop: Malawi’s water woes

Like most countries in the Southern Africa region, Malawi has faced severe water stress in the past few years owing to low rainfall during the period. This has affected the generation of electricity as well as agricultural productivity.

Cleaning up our litter

Cleaning up our litter

I was pleasantly surprised when I read this tweet yesterday by a Kenyan parliamentary aspirant.

Malawi Wokongola

A pictorial of random sights from Nsanje to Dowa and Ntcheu to the lake of stars, Lake Malawi. Malawi Wokongola – Beautiful Malawi!

Mangochi declared a town… finally!

President Joyce Banda has declared Mangochi a town… and it’s about time! Will this boost the tourism drive Malawi has been pushing for?

Lake Malawi, Mangochi

Wasn’t Mangochi a better candidate for city?

For the past few years, there has been a lot of talk from the government about turning Nsanje into a city with its own airport, port, banks and other modern amenities. We have seen a scramble for land and construction...

Thoughtless discarding of litter

Litter, litter, litter…

Litter disposal I am not one to chuck out an empty juice bottle or plastic bags from my car window but I have not always been like that. It was in the 90’s when my brother-in-law reprimanded me for throwing...

Litter bugs

Litter bugs

Street pole advertising seems to have taken root with almost every electricity pole decorated with some form of marketing message or the other. Over the past week I passed two work men and their supervisor replacing MTL boards with new...

Austin Madinga's Life Unbound