Wasn’t Mangochi a better candidate for city?

Lake Malawi, Mangochi
Mangochi shoreline of Lake Malawi

For the past few years, there has been a lot of talk from the government about turning Nsanje into a city with its own airport, port, banks and other modern amenities. We have seen a scramble for land and construction of a port (of some sort) but for the past year, the project has hit a wall for reasons I need not explain.

Wouldn’t the effort that went into Nsanje have worked wonders by now had it been done in Mangochi? What Mangochi lacks is a modern airport capable of handling fairly large aircraft. Everything else is pretty much there – the lake, hotels, banks and the enthusiasm to make tourism work!

Just a thought…

4 thoughts on “Wasn’t Mangochi a better candidate for city?”

  1. Mangochi would have been the best. Problem is when Malawians see water they think of crocodiles and floods while our friends connect the beautiful waters with tourism.

    Most towns that have rivers passing through them are good looking and the rivers became part of the plan, i.e River Thames in London. But take a look at our Mudi and Lilongwe rivers. A disgrace to the towns…

  2. I share your thoughts totally. Like Fred observed most cities are near waters. It would have been nice living by the lake and travelling to place like Mulanje to sample the mountains. It would also foster tourism. The distance one has to travel from our two airports to the lake is a huge deterrent to tourism. An international airport in Mangochi would do us right.

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