Environment & Conservation

A look at Malawi’s conservation efforts and the battle with environmental degradation and water pollution.

Lake Malawi, the lake of stars

Nature for Water

We have every reason to ensure our beautiful Lake Malawi is kept clean and bustling with life. It provides food,

Use chiefs for conservation

Chiefs in Malawi have an extremely important role in the fight against environmental degradation and nature conservation.

Cleaning up our litter

Cleaning up our litter

I was pleasantly surprised when I read this tweet yesterday by a Kenyan parliamentary aspirant.

Thoughtless discarding of litter

Litter, litter, litter…

Litter disposal I am not one to chuck out an empty juice bottle or plastic bags from my car window

Litter bugs

Street pole advertising seems to have taken root with almost every electricity pole decorated with some form of marketing message

Austin Madinga's Life Unbound