
Thoughts and insights on the Malawi technology and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

fantasy of entrepreneurship

The thing with self-employment

Self-employment is great. But it demands more than just being passionate about your product. Jump in with eyes wide open, it can be a rocky ride!

money making hobbies for youth

Money making hobbies for the youth

My contribution to a mHub blog collaboration for International Youth Day 2020 on the topic: “How to maximize your younger years – Start Now and Get Ahead”.

death by meetings

Death by meetings

Let’s talk about meetings. If you’re Malawian, you know. We love to suck the life out of people because of our love of meetings.

Synergy Lilongwe Malawi

Co-working in Lilongwe at Synergy

Synergy is a new co-working space in Lilongwe offering furnished private and open offices, a board room, a business lounge and event space.

Rethinking Jobs

The Malawi formal job market is not the same as it was two or more decades ago. There are less

mHub hosts Lilongwe Sparks

Today mHub hosted the first-ever city spark for Sahara Sparks, East Africa’s largest Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship event. Lilongwe Sparks event

Austin Madinga's Life Unbound